John Lui's profile

The Original Starbucks Experience


Starbucks was looking for a regional toolkit type of approach based on their core brand values. They have local agencies in each market and wanted an approach that would show an overall Asian understanding and then be able to adapt to or incorporate local insights and activations on the ground in each market.

So we focused on creating the largest regional impact by coming up with 6 Brand Sparks along with a social / digital strategy and an Asian insight that drives them.

Creative Strategy
Highlight Starbucks role as the original artisanal coffee shop

Starbucks has a great heritage dating back to the very original coffee shop in Seattle in 1971. But not everyone knows about Starbucks humble beginnings. So, for one week, we take everyone back to 1971, to the original Starbucks.

We create a Virtual Reality model that allows users to explore the original Pike Place store. Its like turning every Starbucks into the original Seattle shop.
We feature a week of drinks and food from the original menu. Starbucks could even go as far as offering menu items in 1971 prices. We bring back a week of music from 1971.

Social media features posts are dated from 1971  - you can even create your own 70’s look to share. It’s a fun way to increase engagement and shareability.


Creative Strategy
Bring home Starbucks coffee credentials with an idea that highlights the provenance of our coffees.

Starbucks brings together a range of coffee beans from all over the world. They’re testament to the lengths Starbucks go to to give people the absolute best, no matter where in the world it’s found. This idea delivers a compelling reason to experience those coffees. Over 7 days, you go on a ‘taste journey’ around the world. Of course, like anytime you cross borders, you need a passport. So we give you a digital ‘passport’ that records each country you ‘visit’. You drink a coffee from each of 7 different countries and receive a country stamp in your passport. Visit all 7 countries and you’ll win a chance to travel around the world for real!

We make it easy for customers who join us on the world journey get to share their virtual travels through social media. To promote and amplify the campaign, we create round-the-world assets for social media, including travelogue style films and posters, and lush, tantalising 360 degree shots of coffee plantations.

We also create in-store assets like VR views of the plantations around the world, so you can virtually visit Africa, Indonesia and more. To get people in the mood, we play music mixes from around the world.

The winners’ trip is also a chance to create more content, allowing us to post updates of their travels.



Creative Strategy
Starbucks has always given customers their perfect, dream drink, even if it’s not on the menu. This idea gives customers the chance to exercise the power that technology puts in their hands, to create and discover flavours that never even existed. It takes personalisation to the next level.

We create a special online menu with a breakdown of traditional Starbucks ingredients plus a few new ones, just to spice things up. We then invite people to mix and match their very own Starbuck’s drink creation. It’s a fun way to gamify the menu. You create your hack, then share it with us and we make it for real. 

You get to share your hack in social media. Fans get to ‘like’ your hack. You can order someone else’s hack.We can further amplify the campaign by feature celebrity hacks. We can even offer to give the most popular hack a permanent place on the Starbuck’s menu. As a possible campaign extension, we can create a special Starbucks...

[secret menu]

The secret menu exists only in the digital space. We plant special clues with codes to unlock secret, off-menu treats and discounts. We use social media to amplify.

Like the ‘Hack’, the secret menu is a cool way to engage with customers and fans.  


Creative Strategy
A traditional promotional opportunity executed in a non-traditional way, there’s always something to look forward to at Starbucks.

The arrival of winter, spring, even autumn, represents an opportunity for Starbucks. With a new season comes new hope, new possibilities. Let’s celebrate with new drinks and food. We develop an augmented reality app (either downloadable or web based) that enables visitors to Starbucks stores to virtually ‘catch’ a falling leaf, or floating snowflake. You see the leaves or snowflakes on your handphone, then ‘catch’ them by swatting your phone, or pinching the screen. Once you have caught the leaf or snowflake, you can redeem it for a drink at a special price, or send it to a friend via messaging. The leaves fall in stores or even in special locations, like a nearby park.

Creative Strategy
Starbucks customers live life to the fullest. They’re energised, active, alive. This idea rewards customers for the efforts they make in taking care of themselves. It’s a fresh, unexpected take on the brand.
We create a week of healthy choices on the drinks and food menu that reward and incentivise people by giving discounts to those who walk to Starbucks, or come from the gym. We link the Starbucks app to a fitness/activity function, so you have to walk or run to the store to access the deals. Walking earns points to redeem at Starbucks.
We create social content that can only be accessed if you move: a GIF that only changes images if the gyroscope in your phone registers movement. We create a film with episodes that can only be unlocked once you have moved from one location to another. You move, you see an episode.
You share your activity, or a map of how you moved to get you reward, via social media. 


Creative Strategy
The Starbucks brand is all about bringing people together to share a moment over a coffee. This idea invites you to share the ultimate get-together with the ultimate coffee.

We create a week of connections between the region’s most interesting people. We bring together artists, thinkers, fashionistas, musicians, poets or leaders in their field for a coffee at Starbucks. We hear ideas, thoughts and more, in brief episodes. These connections are live streamed and all happen over a one week program. The program is made available and managed through social. We make use of features like the Facebook event function. We also create live events, when essentially you catch-up for a coffee with someone famous. Like the famous Facebook Live with Zuckerberg, you post questions and the celebrity is live for say, 1 hour, to answer those questions. 
The Original Starbucks Experience

The Original Starbucks Experience
